
Lottery Tips That Increase Your Chances Of Winning The Jackpot

Lottery Tips That Increase Your Chances Of Winning The Jackpot

When you purchase lottery tickets either in retailers or online, certainly you hope that you will win the Jackpot. This is one of the most exciting times of our lives and we all wish that every time we purchase a lottery ticket we can win as big as the Jackpot.

However you may wonder if there are some lottery tips that can increase your chances of winning the Jackpot.

The reality is that purchasing more tickets does not increase your chances of winning the lottery. You might think that if you purchase a ticket with a smaller number of digits your chances of winning are increased but this is not true.

The reason for this is that the print run of lottery tickets is generally pretty small and so if we purchase a ticket that has a number pattern that runs from 1 to 49 in the UK or 1 to 36 in the US, the odds are very low that we will actually win the jackpot.

In the off chance that you will win the jackpot, you will have to split this pot with a lot of other winners. One of the best ways to increase your chances of winning is to choose different number combinations.

For example you can choose combinations like 1-2-3-4-5-6 or 12-13-14-15-16 and so on. By doing this you increase your odds of winning the lottery because the numbers you choose have a smaller number spread and thus a better chance of hitting.

Unfortunately the lower the number spread of your chosen combinations, the less amount of money you will win as the winning jackpot. This is because the winning combinations are normally spread over a larger number of tickets and your chances of winning the Jackpot are much lower.

There are another way of increasing your chances of winning though. You can take advantage of a system which places your numbers into a mathematical sequence.

The odds of winning a six figure sum in the lotto are 1 in 14 million. This applies to all lotteries. So if you were to select three numbers, i.e. 1,2,3,4, you increase your odds of winning by 14 million.

The big advantage of doing this is that you increase your chances of winning twofold. If you select one number instead of two you would be willing to spend 14 million to win only 8 million back. But by using an advanced system of selecting numbers you maximize your chances of winning and get much more than you originally planned.

One system that can increase your chances of winning the lotto is known as the prime system. This is relatively easy to do and works by selecting consecutive numbers and then varying the order in which you select them.

Obviously the numbers you use in the system have to be random. That is, choosing numbers that are not related or grouped together. So ideally you would pick numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and then vary the numbers from 10 to 50.

You need to vary the sum of the numbers chosen too. So if you have 10 numbers you should not choose 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 as your first selection. You can use this though because all three numbers being drawn is less than 50%.

This reduces the odds of winning greatly because the number of items you need to pick greatly outweighs the items you choose to draw. You might still win the lottery though.

Another system you might use to win the lotto is the odd-even number selection method. If you remember the watch phrase ‘black, white, red, odd, even’ then you can use this system to choose your lottery numbers.

In this system you only want to choose a number either odd or even. If you select both numbers in the 2nd or 3rd group, you are already half way there; so it is unlikely you will win. If you select just the even numbers in the 2nd or 3rd group you are already a winner because you have three numbers guaranteed.

Of course you can still use this system without having to chart the numbers. Just fill in the blanks with your lucky number from 1-10, or 1-20, 1-30, or 2-10. You can also use a lucky number like 3 if you prefer.

A wise old friend once said that the lotto is a tough luck Togel88. Slot machines have a much better outcome for the player, but the odds against winning are far greater. So if you really want to win, give up the idea of trying to get the elusive jackpot.

You can actually reduce your chances of winning a big prize instantly by making a few small changes to your thinking. If you always just played safe, you might never get ahead. But by changing the way you play, you might increase your chances of getting a prize.